Jah Young Park (Studio #5)

I have been working with glass for 25 years, but a few years ago, after immigrating to the United States, I started creating unique jewelry. It's because of the new inspiration I find in the natural environment of Oregon. I particularly love the properties of glass. Working with glass feels like a collaborative process where it reacts organically to my touch, responding to gravity and temperature, shaping itself in real-time. The glass rings I create are like my daily diary, capturing various elements such as weather, mood, nature, and everyday experiences in color and form. I take great pride in creating these glass pieces to wear and cherish. Moreover, if someone wants to share that same feeling, they can request a custom-sized ring, which will become a one-of-a-kind artwork in their own world. I hope that someday everyone will have the opportunity to create their own rings.

NOTE: Located in the alleyway between 2nd and 3rd Streets and A and B Avenues

Jah will be hosted by Ingrid Dohm (Painting)


Learn more about this artist:


Ingrid Dohm (Studio #5)


James Conway (Studio #14)