Abigail Marble (Studio #29)

My process is loose and intuitive. I start with transparent washes, and add thickness and opacity as I go. I embellish with details in pencil, pastel or charcoal, but often those marks are buried under successive washes and layers. There is tactile pleasure and esthetic gratification in scraping and scribbling into thick paint to reveal washes and brushstrokes of earlier iterations. The palette and composition of the final work reflect the mood and energy I aim to convey as much or more than the actual shapes and colors of the props. The elements I add, remove, cover, scrape or disrupt with a hard spray of water leave behind evidence of my hand and my process, as well as my thoughts and emotions.

Though my subject is motionless, the finished work is active in its gesture and rhythms. My painting practice is about exploration, risk-taking, physical movement, and deep immersion in the process. When I come up for air I am often surprised by the end result.

Note:  one flight of stairs, good hand railing on both sides

Abigail will be sharing Studio #29 with her mother Deborah Marble (Painting)


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Amy Turpin (Studio #37)