For Our Participating Artists

Tour Timeline:

  • By Sept 16: Send out email invitations to your mailing list, friends and family

  • Sept 26: last chance to pick up lawn signs at Ha Austin’s Studio #9

  • Sept 28–29: STUDIO TOUR 10am–5pm

  • Sept 30 at 9:00am: Pick up artwork from Lakewood Center

  • Sept 30 at 9:00am: Drop off completed PASSPORTS with a Board Member at the Lakewood Center

  • Oct 5th, 9am - 6pm: Pick up Sidestreet art from Kasey Wanford at Studio #30 or contact Kasey

Postcards, Maps, and Passports

Postcards: Postcards and posters are for promoting our tour. You are all encouraged to disperse them widely to any coffee shop, school, gym or where ever you can think of!

Maps: Each studio should have a handful of maps to hand out to your visitors during the tour. If you run out of our professionally printed paper maps you can print the PDF to give to your visitors.

Passports: Our new Passport program is a creative way for us to learn information about our visitors.

  • Here’s how it works: First, YOU hand them out to interested visitors, and initial the square with your studio number.

  • If a visitor has already has a passport, initial your studio number.

  • Remind visitors to turn in their Passport at the last studio they visit.

  • Be sure they have written their email on their Passport!

  • At the end of the tour, all Passports will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift certificate for a purchase from any artist on the tour.

  • If you run out of our professionally printed passports, you can print your own to give to your visitors.

You can pick up any of these materials including lawn signs by contacting Ha Austin at

Set Up That Studio! Here are some tips for a successful weekend.

Remember to put out your lawn signs! If they can’t find you, they won’t come!

  • Whether you are using your studio or some other viewing space, be sure it is accessible and safe for visitors. Make it reasonably clean and set up for easy access and art viewing.

  • Consider and create any additional signage people may need to find your workspace. You may also want to have signs to keep people out of your personal space!

  • Label your art, or have a price list available for visitors.

  • Be sure they can pay you! Make it easy for people to buy your work. This may mean setting up Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, Square, or change for cash.

  • Practice your spiel. Have a demo set up, work on some art, or at least be able to discuss your process with visitors and answer questions.

  • It may be a good idea to have an assistant. A friend or family member who can help you greet, direct, and process sales.

For Artists Sharing Studio Space:

  • If you are being hosted by someone, be a good guest! Communicate with your host and ask how you can contribute. Help with set up and clean up. Perhaps bring refreshments for your host and visitors.

  • If you are hosting other artists at your studio, be clear about your expectations and boundaries. Ask for help from your guest artists!

Tour Guidelines:

  • Open your studio to the public- a place that is accessible and safe for everyone. Your living room, garage, or guest house are also places you can set up.

  • Be open and present for the entire time advertised: Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 5pm.

  • The majority of the work you show should be originals. If you’d like to sell reproductions, be sure they are clearly labeled as such.

  • As a non-profit organization, education is part of our mission! Be willing to demonstrate and discuss your process with visitors

  • As a participating artist, please respect the requirements and decisions of the Lake Oswego Open Studios.

After the Tour:

9:00am on Monday- Lakewood Center for the Arts!


  • Passports you collected

  • Any email lists you might have

  • Your lawn signs

If you were part of the Lakewood Preview exhibit, pick up any art that did not sell.

Please do not throw out your lawn signs, because they are expensive to make. Do not keep them yourself, because if you do participate next year, you may be assigned a different studio number.  

Other Reminders:

Chat Us Up on Social Media! We have an active social media presence! Help us out by following our pages, liking, sharing, and tagging our posts. We, in turn, will feature you and your work on our pages.

Instagram: @lo.openstudios

Facebook: Lake Oswego Open Studios

Join our Facebook Group! This is a convenient way to exchange information and coordinate in an easy and casual manner. Visit the Lake Oswego Open Studios Facebook group and request to join. This group is for 2024 participating artists only!